Recognizing the Positives in Your Life and Being Grateful for Them

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well on this Tuesday. what a crazy day it was at work. Just could not keep up I got in a great bike ride. I am thankful to see my girls when I come home. My daughter was ready to go for a ride and I just did not have enough to go anymore. Now I am here typing this up in the mid of this pandemic.

I wanted to take a minute to speak about that. I had to make a facebook post yesterday that caught a few people’s attention. As people are trying to return to some jobs. I have been exempt and deemed essential. I do my best to keep to the recommended practices. However I believe we need to start moving forward. I am in no way saying we should go back to normal there is a new normal. Follow the 6 ft rule. follow the arrows in stores. Things will take more time relax and go with it. Maybe it is just natures way of telling us to slow down. Most of us run on high gear all day. Work by appointment and lets start moving forward. Before you throw stones at me I have been affected by this pandemic I have lost over ten people close to me. I have 1 that is still recovering and is a young lady and will deal with the effects for the rest of her life. Suicides are rising. It is time to balance the scale. I hope we start moving in the right direction.
Enough of my soap box let get to those tips. If I can help just one person this is all worth it. I am here to help you soar to a life without limits.
Recognizing the Positives in Your Life and Being Grateful for Them
Have you noticed on the news how many devastating occurrences there are lately? It is so easy to be grumpy about the mundane every day occurrences in life; however, it is just as easy to be aware of the positives life has to offer.
Why is it then that many of us expend so much energy on what is wrong as compared to what is going well in our world? It is one thing to recognize the positive, but yet an entirely different thing to be grateful for them.
There are two components of being a happier more fulfilled person. One is awareness and the other is gratitude for what you recognize.
There are so many positive things every day to recognize, it is impossible not find one in your life too. Just the simple fact that your vision is well and you are able to read this blog post is proof that there is always something positive. Waking up every day with a new chance is another simple example.

Little things come and go fleetingly. Have you ever noticed a butterfly quickly float by or a bird land on a branch in front of your window for a brief moment? These are the little things that mean so much. That bird and that butterfly as well as the bee are all contributing to a better life for all of us. They are positive elements in our busy world. While we are doing our thing, working, career, education, family, they are busy doing their thing, as well.
It is so easy to look at the flat tire or the traffic jam and not recognize that you are right where you are supposed to be in that moment. There may be an accident up ahead that you would have been part of if you were exactly on time.
Once you begin to train your brain to be aware of all that you have and how blessed you are. When you focus on things you are grateful for, you will begin to see more things for which to be grateful appear in your life.
If someone told you to be grateful and more will be bestowed upon you, wouldn’t you at least give it a try for a couple of months?

Gratitude is a powerful tool of the mind. The more you are grateful and appreciative, the more you will have for which to be grateful.
I can tell you my life has changed so much since I started practicing being grateful start with one thing and work your way to 10 or more if it suits you.
Aren’t you worth starting today. I am hear to help you soar to a life without limits.
Life is an adventure. Live it! Enjoy it!
Reach out and lets talk. I hope you enjoyed this post. I look forward to hearing your thoughts & input.
I am here to help you soar to a life without limits. From zero to the top. It is your life live it by your design. May you live a life unlimited today!
I am a Lamp for those without Light!
Until next time – Dare to Soar