Tip: What is the Law of Attraction and How it Can Improve Your Life

Hi Friends,
I hope all is well on this Tuesday after memorial day I just finished my work day. Crazy Tuesday should have been a Monday… As I work on my side hustle one of my many projects I have going on. I am here to help you learn and grow. I am involved with so many certification courses right now it is like I am under a waterfall. Our pool is open and we welcome everyone to our home. It was a weekend of projects and I can see light at the end of the tunnel. I also finalized my building design that I want to add to the property and looks to be a cost that will fit my budget.
We will have to get the pad work done to move forward.
What is the Law of Attraction and How it Can Improve Your Life

Ask anyone you know and he or she has probably heard of the book and the movie, “The Secret,” and the law of attraction, as well. The law of attraction on a more basic level simply means that your thoughts create your life. If you think negative thoughts, you draw negative occurrences into your life and if you think positive thoughts, you will only magnetize positive happenings into your life.
Of course, on a deeper level, the law of attraction goes a bit deeper. Life is full of circumstances both good and bad. There are always going to be occurrences in life that we would rather not experience. However, the law of attraction dictates that you have the power to increase the positive and minimize the negative.
The law of attraction dictates that every thought you have creates your life to show up as how you think of it.
How it Works
There are several steps to the law of attraction and how it works. It always begins with a thought and ends with a result.
- Your Thoughts Create Your Life

You may not always have the ability to control life’s circumstances; however, you always have the ability to control your own thoughts. When preparing to use the law of attraction, it is beneficial to get into a meditative relaxed state of mind. Then after you have cleared your mind and find yourself in a peaceful place mentally, you can go on to the next step.
- Focus on What You Want
In order to properly utilize the law of attraction, you need to be clear on what you want. It is said that the universe is the ultimate responder, what you ask for is what you will receive and what you think, you will create. It is imperative that you are focused and clear about your intention. If you do not know what it is that you want, then the universe cannot deliver your desire to you.
- Set Your Intention
Once you are in a relaxed state of mind, have focus, and clear on your intended outcome, then send your intention out to the universe. In order to set your intention, you must feel the experience in your mind and it must occur in the present tense. See yourself in that position, with that person, in that scenario. Feel the excitement or the joy or whatever emotions you can conjure up; put yourself in the moment of fulfillment but in your now.
- Be Thankful for the Intended Outcome
Walk around confidently knowing that your intention is on its way. Be thankful beforehand for the intended outcome and even go as far as being excited that you cannot wait to receive what you have asked for.
Before you know it, the more you practice, feel, and believe, the more joy you will bring into your life and the lives of others.
Well there you are a quick intro to the Law of Attraction. If this is of interest to you reach out and share your thoughts. I love great conversations!
I am here to help you soar to a life without limits.
Life is an adventure. Live it! Enjoy it!
May you live a life unlimited today!
Until next time – Dare to Soar