Tips for Change Start Building Self Esteem Today

Hi Everyone,
I hope your week is going well. We are fighting a tick battle here in NH as of late. The ticks are making a strong run at the dog and my daughter. We had to use the safety pill on my daughter she got one imbedded in the back of her neck. Yuck I hate Ticks. Used to get them in the service all the time. Luckily never had them transfer any dideases.
We are busy here I have rings lights and stage and studio lights getting prepped to start doing more video series. I am excited to be able to share more tools tips and tricks. I have a brand new assessment software coming and I look forward to sharing it with you all. Want to be an early adopter let me know.
Now lets get right into those tips.
Start Building Self Esteem Today
What Is Self Esteem?

High self esteem is an extremely important characteristic of all highly successful people. Without high levels of self esteem you are unlikely to see yourself as being worthy of success or happiness, and as a result will never truly try your hardest to achieve it.
High self esteem will give you the courage to keep going when things get tough, and believe in yourself when others say you will never accomplish something. Developing and building self esteem is therefore one of the most important and valuable things you could ever do for yourself. Unfortunately, the value of self esteem is often overlooked, yet the truth is we could all improve our level of self esteem in some way or another.
Things That Build Self Esteem
The things that improve your self esteem are quite simple. Basically anything that makes you feel good about yourself, makes you feel important or valuable as a person will build your level of self esteem. So if your life is full of these things on a consistent daily basis, then your level of self esteem will automatically rise.

However the opposite is also true. So anything that makes you feel bad, reduces your feelings of worthiness or importance, will lower your self esteem.
Causes Of Low Self Esteem
So when you look at self esteem like this, you can see that overall self esteem is just a balance between things that make you feel good, and things that make you feel bad. If you feel good more often than you do bad, you will have high self esteem and vice versa.
So why is this important? Well many people who suffer from low levels of self esteem continue to expose themselves to things that make them feel bad. They may hang around with the same people everyday who laugh at them, or treat them disrespectfully. They may talk to themselves in a way that lacks respect, such as saying they are a looser or that they can’t do anything. Or they may do other things which day by day make them feel the same way.
Change Your Life, Change Your Thoughts

So the key here is change. If you are able to identify the things that make you feel bad, and replace them with the things that make you feel good, ultimately your self esteem will improve. You won’t have to try to improve and build up your self esteem, it will just happen automatically.
This principle of change is so simple it is often overlooked, because people become used to doing the same things day in day out. The trouble with this is that by doing the same things everyday, your thought patterns remain the same everyday and so you FEEL the same everyday. This is the real value and importance of change, which is why sometimes you need to change your life first, before you can change your thoughts.
Change will break your current thought patterns and create new patterns of thought. It is up to you to create patterns that will improve and enrich your life, and you do this by exposing yourself to things that make you feel good about yourself and raise your value as a person.
I hope this has helped you in some small way. Drop a line and let me know I love to talk.

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Just as with anything we do we care about bringing you the best. We are here to help you design your best life. We love to read your thoughts and criticisms. Drop us a line.
We help people design their best life Let’s talk soon.
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