2/27/25 Finally Moving Ahead

Hi Everyone, I hope you are doing well. I am late with this post. I am workign to get back in the groove. Avery and I are living our best life. It is tough being a single parent I am not hating it. I also dont want to be victim. Upon working 40 hours a week and working on my side hustle which is a passion of mine. I am going to start putting more in the groups on Facebook. I want to take this moment and highlight a few key points:
Personal Development

It is amazing when we take the first step in personal development to take 100% responsibility for the good and the bad. We all have choice and soemtimes we chose wrong. When we step in to be the Master of our destiny and not the disaster. Are you ready to take the steps to reclaim your personal freedom? I will be holding space for you so you can soar to your success.
Are you struggling with your finances. We offer financial coaching. Do you have a budget? Do you you follow it? Would you like some help with that. Want to get involved with our facebook group? Find us here – https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestfinancialcoaching

Warriors Realm
This is our mind, body and spirit group into all things esoteric. We will share knowledge and information for those who want to learn and grow. Find us here – www.facebook.com/groups/warriorrealm/
Relationship Resource Group
Where are you in your current relationship? No matter if you are single like me or coupled up. WHat challenges do you face or are your struggling? We are here to help. Our motto is one heart to share. find us here – https://relationshipresourcegroup.com/
This is where our work is and we will be expanding on to all these topics. stay tuned for the updates and please if you have interst share us. We like the attention. Thanks.