Posts by thomatf
Tips for Change – Regaining Self-Esteem after a Setback
Hi Friends, How was your 4th of July. Did you have a blast. Now we are back to work. I injured my back a few weeks ago it is finally healing. I went for my first bike ride with my daughter today! My back feels good and I am ready to progress to a new…
Read MoreTips for Change – Is Low Self-Esteem a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
Hi Everyone, What and incredible week. Here we are at Tuesday and quickly approaching the 4th of July. This has been one incredible year. I hope all this craziness dies down and goes away and we recover form this COVID situation. There are so many unknowns and so many lines have been blurred. I am…
Read MoreTips for Change – Dumped? How to Maintain Your Self-Esteem
Hi Friends, I hope you all are doing well this week. It is hot here in New Hampshire. Among all the craziness in the united states. It is hard to imagine things ever being normal. I hope all my friends are doing okay. I myself am working on pushing over into the financial coaching side…
Read MoreTips for Change – How to Help a Partner with Low Self-Esteem
Hi Friends, I hope the week is treating you as well as can be. I blew up my back a week ago. Crashed the website. As they say all things will change. everything has gone back to just about normal. We are still dealing with this Covid issue and the problem of how we police…
Read MoreTips For Change: Factors That Influence Your Self-Esteem
Well Friends, Being down 4 days sucked… Truly it did. The plus I restored a back up last night. The positive I have my classic editor back which makes posting fast. Technology is a blessing but also a curse. I have two projects due out today for the electrical construction market. The positive part I…
Read MoreTip: What is the Law of Attraction and How it Can Improve Your Life
Ask anyone you know and he or she has probably heard of the book and the movie, “The Secret,” and the law of attraction, as well. The law of attraction on a more basic level simply means that your thoughts create your life. If you think negative thoughts, you draw negative occurrences into your life and if you think positive thoughts, you will only magnetize positive happenings into your life.
Read MoreTips for Using the Law of Attraction Effectively
Once you understand the basic premise for using the law of attraction, it is easy to feel overwhelmed in the beginning. For most individuals, beginning to use the law of attraction is usually accompanied by a bit of skepticism.
Read MoreTips for Overcoming Your Fears
What are you afraid of most? The truth of the matter is that we all have something that we fear. However, choosing to let that fear debilitate you or simply guide you is the difference in whether or not fear will overcome you or you will overcome fear.
Read MoreTips for Getting What You Want in Your Life
Have you ever had the thought that everyone else gets what he or she wants, except for me? Well, therein lays the problem. Thinking thoughts like those are the exact thoughts that will push away the very things you want in your life.
Read MoreRecognizing the Positives in Your Life and Being Grateful for Them
There are so many positive things every day to recognize, it is impossible not find one in your life too. Just the simple fact that your vision is well and you are able to read this blog post is proof that there is always something positive. Waking up every day with a new chance is another simple example.
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