Posts by thomatf
Tips with T How to Program Your Conscious Mind
You are probably familiar with how the subconscious mind sometimes sets out to sabotage the conscious mind. This is not to say that you have a split personality, but the subconscious does play a role in the human mind.
Read MoreTips with T – How to Develop the Right Mind-Set to Reach your Goals
ave you ever noticed anyone in your life that has a sunny disposition, all the time? Have you also noticed that this individual seems to sail through life, as well? Well, perhaps the right mind set is the key to real and lasting happiness.
Read MoreTips with T How Successful People Use the Law of Attraction in Their Everyday Lives
Have you ever noticed someone, for example in the world of business, who just seems to have everything?Moreover, have you noticed how he or she seems to get everything with such an ease and a grace that you have to admit you are little bit envious?
Read MoreTips from T Committing Yourself to Positive Actions
If you think about the word commitment, what comes up for you? Does it sound like a chore or a burden, or perhaps something that you have to do instead of want to do? Well committing to positive actions is different and not like that at all.
Read MoreLaw of Attraction Exercise Tips From T
If you have heard of the movie, The Secret, you have heard of the Law of
Attraction, as well. The Law of Attraction is not something that simple comes your way; you have to put a little effort into, as well.
Amazing Times Among Covid – 19
Hi my friends, What an interesting time to look at our world. Who would have imagined we could be turned so upside down by a virus. How fragile we can be. We went to the grocery store and luckily got some toilet paper. My daughter asked ” how come this virus has to do this?”…
Read MoreGetting Geared Up for JMT
Today was a Monday. Lots of work and effort. I am preparing for some excitement in the upcoming week. I have a presentation next week on Thursday. Then hop a flight to spend some time with members of a fantastic team. The John Maxwell Team. I will get to meet new members and see old…
Read MoreTips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens
Hi Everyone, As you know we have been discussing the topic of confidence. As a coach I guide clients to become confident in themselves. I use small successes to get my clients to where they want to be. You haven’t tried coaching and you want to make changes in your life I invite you to…
Read MoreConfidence In Relationships
Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips
For some people, self-confidence with regard to personal relationships is challenging. You may find that you have confidence in many other areas of your life – your business, talents, and so forth – but lack the confidence to have successful personal relationships. For some, this is due to past experiences – once bitten, twice shy, so to speak. For others, it just seems to be how they’re wired; they just can’t be the social butterfly they wish they could be.
Read MoreSunday is over
Hi Friends, Here we are another Sunday. It is getting cold and it is snowing outside. Our weekend in review. Saturday morning consisted of Basketball . My daughter did a great job and has been asked to play in the sportsmanship game. As this was her first year in a sport. She did phenomenal. The…
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