Tips for Change Ten Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Esteem

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Ten Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Esteem
Your self-esteem is more than just the confidence you have in yourself. It goes much deeper than that, down into your feelings of self-worth and how much you respect yourself. Your self-esteem affects everything about you, from the decisions you make to your overall outlook on the world.
A strong and healthy self-esteem is one of the main building blocks of a happy and healthy you. With a healthy self-esteem you can have the confidence to do well in the world, and the self-respect to make good decisions.
Here are ten tips on how to develop your self-esteem.
1. Stop the Criticism – Find the strength to stop criticizing yourself so much. You cannot expect yourself to be perfect any more than anyone else can.
2. Make a List – Make an actual “pro” and “con” list and write down what you do and do not like about yourself. Be specific and resist the impulse to just write things like “I hate my hair”. When you are very specific like this, you might find that you have less to dislike than you think.
3. Set Realistic Goals – Set personal goals for yourself so you have something to work for, and set up a reward system as well. Resist the urge to make unrealistic goals, however. For example, don’t expect to be able to run five miles the first time you try, or attempt to lose 50lbs in a month. Make small, realistic goals and you will always have something to look forward to.
4. Take Care of Yourself – Eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. Take care of yourself, and take pride in your body and mind.
5. Think Positive Thoughts – Try to avoid thinking negative thoughts, especially when it comes to yourself. Instead, put those thoughts out of your head and purposely start listing all of the positives around you.
6. Don’t Make Comparisons – It is unrealistic and unhealthy to compare yourself to other people. You are a unique individual; you should take pride in what sets you apart.
7. Treat Yourself Well – Show yourself a good time every once in a while, or treat yourself to something special. Even small things, like taking the time to indulge in a good book or a home spa treatment, can do wonders for your self-esteem.
8. Meditate – Meditation isn’t about sitting cross-legged and humming. It is about taking the time to release your mind and body from all of the stress, closing your eyes, and focusing on centering yourself. It is a great stress reliever, and could help you connect with your inner self.
9. Make Good Decisions – Good self-esteem is also about having self-respect. Making good decisions in all walks of life will help you maintain that self-respect.
10. The Truth about Perfection – The truth about perfection is that it doesn’t exist. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, and those mistakes are all part of the adventure of life. Don’t get hung up on things that you might not do just right, or if something isn’t perfect, because there is no such thing.
A healthy self-esteem can change your life. People with healthy self-esteem are more likely to make good decisions, work harder towards accomplishment, and live happier lives. With these tips, you can strengthen your self-esteem.
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