Tips For Change Growth Mindset How-To’s
Hi All,

Well interesting week to say the least the Thomas family now has a 7th grader. She is growing up fast. Summer is here. The struggle is real. The controversy on guns, inflation and the price of gas. Has everyone ancy. More on this later. This weeks top of the charts. Hole in pool. We have a vintage 20 x 40 pool roughly 32000 gallons of water. Sunday was spent eyeballing every inch as I was loosing 2 inches a day. just a few hundred gallons…. Found it and placed a patch so hopefully we will be good if not a new liner (that I in no way want to even try to afford.) Will be a year away if I order it now…

Next we have a router problem intermitent to now hopefully fixed.. I couldn’t access my site and only my site. Seriously I feel like I am telling the teacher. The dog ate my homework. I hate missing my post day. I have a Velop Router by Linksys I love the product. It is getting to be old like everything else. I hate replaceing tech and will keep it until it is to much of a hassle.
That is my week I hope yours is better and at least more exciting. For now lets get to those Tips!
Growth Mindset How-To’s
In order to understand how to take on the practice of creating a growth mindset, first, take a look at the difference between the two mindsets; a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.
A Fixed Mindset

A fixed mindset, especially in the area of academics, intelligence, and study dictates that it is what it is or that the status is fixed, unchangeable and with no room for growth or potential.
A Growth Mindset
A growth mindset takes on a different perspective. A growth mindset takes on challenges as a way to expand and grow. It also dictates that there is room for hard work, learning, and achieving.
How to Gain a Growth Mindset
Exercise Your Way to a Growth Mindset

You might be asking, “What does exercise have to do with gaining a growth mindset?” The answer is there is a different type of exercise you can do. It’s not the physical kind – it’s the mental kind.
When you exercise your brain, you give this muscle a chance to grow and expand over time. If you want to gain a growth mindset, you need to take on new, challenging things. Once your brain sees that it can overcome challenges, taking on more challenges becomes easier over time. Once your mind recognizes you are taking on something new, fear can become minimized and new things will be placed in the part of your brain compartmentalized as something not to be feared.

Work Hard
If you have a certain learning capacity and accept that this is your limit, then that will be your limit. However, on the other hand, if you work harder, take on more learning, and then work even harder, you will begin to notice a shift. You will begin to challenge your own status quo.
The harder you work the more results and rewards you will see. You will shift your mindset to understand that the more effort you put in, the more effort you will get out. It doesn’t have to stop at a certain static place. You can work hard, you can put in more effort, and you can achieve different results.

Stretch Yourself
Have you ever heard a point of view or a perception that was astonishing and bold? Do you sometimes see how other people set the bar a bit higher, try new things, and work harder? Just because you have to work harder, does not mean you cannot be more successful. Take some time to examine a certain area of your life, such as academically, and see if you can’t think outside the box, enter new territories, and achieve higher goals.

After all, anyone who has made a medical breakthrough or achieved a higher goal has probably done so by working harder, trying new things, and stretching way outside of their comfort zone; and you can too.
We have many more services to offer and I hope this has helped you in some small way. I would welcome you to join me as my client. Let’s connect soon. I love to talk.

I Help you create a clear plan to turn your dreams and goals into reality. To take consistent, productive action on your goals, Improve the goals when necessary and overcome any setbacks or obstacles that appear along the way. I want to be your your accountability partner.
What else do we do?

Mindset Coaching: We help people design their best life through Human Excellence in Life and Performance in order to soar to success.
Leadership training – Using the Maxwell Method
Disc Consultant – Do you know your behavior?
Hypnosis – Are you looking for change?
Martial / Fitness – Health & healing for the mind , body & spirit
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