Tips For Change How To Avoid FInancial Scams
Hello Everyone:

I hope your world is moving along well. I had another successful client hit his goal this week. I tell you coaching is such an amazing business. Hard work but I love my client results. Especially the joy the when they are fearless. Now let’s get to those TIPS!
How to Avoid Financial Scams
With the benefits of the ease of communication in the world today, there come a few drawbacks. One of these drawbacks is the amount of financial scams that are circulating. We must all be aware of the tactics that are used, in order to avoid them and invest our finances in the right places that will actually bring a return instead of loss.

Do Not Share Your Financial or Personal Information
There are many scams that involve an imposter posing as someone they are not, such as an employee of your bank. Often they will ask you to supposedly confirm your credit card number, but wait for you to say it first. Never give your financial information to anyone over the phone who has initiated the call, no matter how legitimate they appear.
Question Odd Communication, even from Acquaintances
If an old friend or a family member you rarely talk to sends you a second friend request on Facebook or other social media, and then sends you a private message filled with awkward conversation, spelling errors, and a desperate plea for money… think twice. It is wise to question whether they are legitimate. Contact another family member or mutual friend, or call them on the telephone to see if their account might have been hacked.

Put Being Wise ahead of Being Polite
If your cousin is pressuring you to invest in a quick money-making opportunity, don’t invest just to keep peace. Ask questions, and do your research. It will do more harm to your relationship in the long run if you end up losing your retirement savings because you didn’t want to offend him or her.
Ignore E-Mails That Appear to Offer Financial Opportunities
Most of us have received these kinds of emails – the ones that tell you they have a relative who died and left them with a huge inheritance. They need someone to both send and deposit money, and in return for your help they will split the proceeds. It cannot be stressed enough that you should never answers these emails. Delete them and move on.
Do Not Ever Send Money to Strangers
Many individuals who are trying to scam you out of your money will give you a heart-wrenching story, and ask you to help them get out of trouble. There are also the other kind who appeal to your desire to make quick money, and tell you they will let you in on some of their wealth if you send them some money first to get things rolling.

If someone ever asks you to send money, refuse. There are more than enough scams that are run this way, and you can be assured it is never in your best interest to comply.
Always Heed Your Intuition
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Does your stomach feel a little uneasy about the person on the other end of the phone, or as you are about to send your financial info back to a supposed institution? Don’t ignore this.
Financial scams are all around. At times, all of us are susceptible in one way or another. Fortunately, if you use your head and think twice, you can avoid most of them. Keep these tips in mind, and keep you and your family safe from financial loss.

We have many more services to offer and I hope this has helped you in some small way. I would welcome you to join me as my client. Let’s connect soon. I love to talk.
I Help you create a clear plan to turn your dreams and goals into reality. To take consistent, productive action on your goals, Improve the goals when necessary and overcome any setbacks or obstacles that appear along the way. I want to be your your accountability partner.
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