Tips For Change How Your Thoughts Affect Your Earnings
Hello everyone,

As we move towards the New Year. What are your plans and goals for 2023? Email me and let me know. I have some great anouncements to come for the New Year. I am looking for a thunderous change.
I want to help everyone grow this year. little by little. Lets do this. Stay tuned – for now lets hit those tips.
How the Way You Think About Money Affects How Much You Earn
You might not think there is any correlation between the way you think about money and the amount you earn at the end of the month. However, studies have shown that our mindset and outlook on things can in fact shape reality and have an impact on what transpires. We can think negatively or positively about money, and this can shape our lives in different ways.

Becoming obsessed with money
Becoming obsessed with money can have many different consequences. It could mean that rather than concentrating on doing your job well or building a good business with great customer service, you’ll instead focus on making some quick money when you can. An obsession with money can lead to all kinds of problems, but it can also mean that you earn more money than you otherwise would. A desire to have huge amounts of money has many times driven people to work harder than they ever thought they could.
Not worrying about how much you earn
By not worrying about how much you earn, this can put you on the path to either earning more money than you expected, earning less, or simply staying where you are and not moving. This is an ideal mindset for those who would rather be doing something they enjoy, and if they have family members who also have stable jobs. Not worrying about how much money you earn can eventually lead you to a very fulfilling life.

Feeling negative towards money
A small percentage of the population feel negatively towards money, which means that they don’t like the idea of earning plenty of money. When somebody has this mindset, they will often shy away from work, will not succeed in getting promotions, and in many respects won’t care how much they earn or whether they earn any money besides what they really need to survive on. However, some people with this mindset find themselves being much more charitable than the average person, choosing rather to give away their money than keep it locked away in a bank account.
The way you think about money does not always shape the way that you behave or the job that you get, but for many people, especially those who want to become high earners, their mindset plays a vital role in the monetary figure they earn.

We have many more services to offer and I hope this has helped you in some small way. I would welcome you to join me as my client. Let’s connect soon. I love to talk.
I Help you create a clear plan to turn your dreams and goals into reality. To take consistent, productive action on your goals, Improve the goals when necessary and overcome any setbacks or obstacles that appear along the way. I want to be your your accountability partner.
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