Thriving Couples Weekend

Amazing opportunity. My mentors Christine and Brett Eartheart invited me to assist with their couples retreat ove the valentine weekend so I could see how to facilitate a workshop. You can find more about their business at Thriving Relationship Center.
I flew in on Friday and it was a long day. Upon setup I recieved a great set of love socks from Christine. The room tooks us about 2 hours to setup. There was a lot of care and thought put in to arranging the chairs and spacing. The workbook was amazing and on the entry table we had stone hearts and some friends decks.

Saturday was a full day of transformation taking couples through exercises and sharing struggles. Brett & Christine took so much care with everyone. They also had Rae there a great coach and my biggest take away was she gave me the tag line for my company “One heart to share”. I had the opportunity to watch Rae work her magic with clients. Making them feel safe and accepted. We wrapped up this amazing day on a good note.
Sunday started in with a bit of challenge for the couples lots of releases. We were busy micro coaching where we could. You could see the shift in the couples as we headed to the close of the retreat. What an amazing experience. I cannot Thank Brett and Christine enough for the experience.

In summary I am home and processed everything we learned and discovered over the weekend. I am so glad to have been part of the couples experience. I also had the pleasure to witness Brett and Christine’s amazing example of a happy healthy relationship. They really are an example of what that is. You can feel the peace, joy and happiness they have for each other. They also expand that out to share with everyone. 2 exercises that I got to witness and watched Brett facilitate was amazing both had him leading from his heart you could connect with his vibration and feel the love and care along with this command and control over the room with the presence of a spiritual leader. You could watch in both instances the people drop into the person they wanted to be. I feel blessed when I get to observe people that have that gift. I am so thankful to have had that experience. Please know I have left many details out as this is a private event for all those that attended and I don’t want to divulge anyones privacy.