Posts by thomatf
2/27/25 Finally Moving Ahead
Hi Everyone, I hope you are doing well. I am late with this post. I am workign to get back in the groove. Avery and I are living our best life. It is tough being a single parent I am not hating it. I also dont want to be victim. Upon working 40 hours a week and working on my side hustle which is a passion of mine. I am going to start putting more in the groups on Facebook. I want to take this moment and highlight a few key points:
Read MoreThriving Couples Weekend
Amazing opportunity. My mentors Christine and Brett Eartheart invited me to assist with their couples retreat ove the valentine weekend so I could see how to facilitate a workshop. You can find more about their business at Thriving Relationship Center. I flew in on Friday and it was a long day. Upon setup I recieved…
Read MoreTips for Change Discovering Values
Values make us as a person and define how we invest our time, energy and money. When our values are high, we can reach the limits of improving our personal life. Throughout our life, we decide what we want to do with our time. Time is essential, since time runs out quick. For these reasons you, want to invest time, spending your time wisely. Spending time wisely includes activities, entertainment, work, quality time and so on.
Read MoreTips for Change Discovering Intentions
Good intentions are the ultimate choice of improving your life. If you have bad intentions, it is a sign you are filled with greed, envy, hate and so on. You want all these negative influences out of your life. Intentions are powerful. Intentions tell others where our goals are heading. It is our purpose. Intentions are our motive that helps us to achieve our objectives.
Read MoreTips For Change Confidence Leading To Improve Personal Life
Do you have the confidence to improve your everyday living and overall humane existence, or do you lack this quality? To improve personal living you have to find confidence to take control. Our life is the personal way we as humans live. It is our way of making choices, which contributes to our person. In life we have inner coaches, counselors, etc that help us to achieve in life. We also have helpful experts in the world who will take the time to help those who find it difficult to help themself. You have many options and resources available to you.
Read MoreTips For Change Improve Your Personal Life
Habits, oh those nasty habits. Habits are developed from training, influences, observation, and practice. We develop many habits throughout our life, which some are good and others are bad. Good habits we can keep, but if one wants to improve their life the bad habits has to take a hike. Getting rid of bad habits however is not easy, especially if an addiction is involved. For this reason, we can take a few steps to learning how you can change your habits.
Read MoreTips for Change Building Courage to Improve your Personal Life
When you build courage, you start to improve your personal life. Building courage will help you take risks to a brighter future that you ordinarily would not take. When you build courage, you put fear behind you. courage is the process of admitting that you have fears, yet you are willing to find a way to defeat those fears and not allow these fears to take control of you. It is ok to experience your fears at appropriate times. For instance, if a bus is heading in your path, swerving you have a right to fear. There is nothing wrong with healthy fear. The problem is you have to put healthy fear in its place and unhealthy fear out of your life.
Read MoreTips for Change Improve your Personal Life
Do you have the ability to accept the things you can change and the things you cannot change? Do you have the ability to accept that other people are opt to change them, rather than you changing them? Do you accept that you are who you are, regardless of what others think? Can you accept the many changes that take place in your life?
Read MoreTips for Change What is Money Mindset
Money mindset is something which is unique to each person – it concerns the way you view money and how this affects your life. While many people have similar money mindsets, very rare do two people experience exactly the same type of money mindset. If you’re curious to know more about your money mindset and the factors which influence our outlook, here are a few basics you should know.
Read MoreTips for Change Poverty Mindset?
Hi All, I hope you have all enjoyed the holidays. We are back to it. What is going on? how are you doing? Have you reset your goals? Planned new ones. I am here to help, just reach out to get started. Lets jump right in and get to these tips for change! What is…
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