Getting Geared Up for JMT
Today was a Monday. Lots of work and effort. I am preparing for some excitement in the upcoming week. I have a presentation next week on Thursday. Then hop a flight to spend some time with members of a fantastic team. The John Maxwell Team. I will get to meet new members and see old…
Read MoreSunday is over
Hi Friends, Here we are another Sunday. It is getting cold and it is snowing outside. Our weekend in review. Saturday morning consisted of Basketball . My daughter did a great job and has been asked to play in the sportsmanship game. As this was her first year in a sport. She did phenomenal. The…
Read MoreAnahata The Heart Chakra
Hello Friends, Here we are a few days before Christmas. I hope you are having a great holiday season. This week on Friday 12/20/19 My daughter had a Wizard of Oz play with her Broadway class I am posting some pictures of her and the production. For a 10 year old she was amazing and…
Read More11/18/2019 Monday??? What makes it the craziest day of the week.
Hi Webbers and Friends, Here we are Monday again. Can someone tell me why Mondays are always so crazy… Is it because we enjoy our-self all weekend. Then we come back to the work week full of vigor? I think not. It is more like trying to start a car in zero degrees. I will…
Read MoreSunday 9/29/19 Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Open Beta
Hi Webbers & Friends, I have just finished up working on the open beta for Ubisoft on the Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint open Beta. I am very excited to see this release on my favorite day of the year October 4th. I am off for my birthday and I can guarantee this is…
Read MoreCreate A Life Plan!
Saturday 9/14/19 Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Speaking of solid. I even had the opportunity to Beta Test Tom Clancy’s new game due out on my favorite day of the year. Now I did hit some glitches. Now some of the people beta testing blast compared to Arma 3 and other shooter games. Personally for a console game I enjoy it. Please check out the clip below and thanks to Ubisoft for getting me in there.
Read More5/15/19 Working Hard or Working Smart
Hi Webbers & Friends, It has been a while. I tell you I have been studying my A** off. I am working on finishing my hypnosis degree. While I still manage a full time job & working on my digital space and trying to right size it. Crazy right I know. You see I love…
Read MoreSunday 4/28/2019 Looking Ahead
Hi Webbers, After a rainy weekend. We are very productive here. Getting back on track bringing you the information you need. I have been re configuring and working with websites to find the right fit. I think we have arrived at the optimal product now we just have to shift the content over and work…
Read MoreJMT The John Maxwell Team Live Event March 2019
Wow, What an exciting time I had hanging out with all the John Maxwell Team members. It is good to get out with like minded people and share stories. Friday – Disc night we worked with Sandy Kulkin on how to use DISC personality test. We learned how to leverage these in our business or…
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