Posts Tagged ‘Coacht’
Tips from T Committing Yourself to Positive Actions
If you think about the word commitment, what comes up for you? Does it sound like a chore or a burden, or perhaps something that you have to do instead of want to do? Well committing to positive actions is different and not like that at all.
Read MoreConfidence In Relationships
Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips
For some people, self-confidence with regard to personal relationships is challenging. You may find that you have confidence in many other areas of your life – your business, talents, and so forth – but lack the confidence to have successful personal relationships. For some, this is due to past experiences – once bitten, twice shy, so to speak. For others, it just seems to be how they’re wired; they just can’t be the social butterfly they wish they could be.
Read MoreMindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence
Hi Friends, I hope your weekend is going well. It is Sunday and we are getting ready for Monday. As a hypnotherapist and coach, I am constantly checking in with people on their mindset. I look for their how and why. Behind every behavior there is a good reason. Even if we do not understand…
Now to our studies on Chakra’s. How are you progressing? do you find the meditation challenging? Do you need help? Reach out to my I will do my best to help you.
Read MoreSunday 12/15/19 MANIPURA
Last week we left off on the Sacral Chakra SVADHISHTHANA. This week we will look at the Solar Plexus Chakra. The MANIPURA.
Read More12/9/19 What is Your Plan for the New Year?
Hi Webbers & Friends I have been moving lots of things around and preparing for the new year. What is your goal this year? How can I serve you. I am striving to be a lamp for those without light. I have spent over ten years practicing to be a coach, Hypnotherapist and other modalities…
Read More11/18/2019 Monday??? What makes it the craziest day of the week.
Hi Webbers and Friends, Here we are Monday again. Can someone tell me why Mondays are always so crazy… Is it because we enjoy our-self all weekend. Then we come back to the work week full of vigor? I think not. It is more like trying to start a car in zero degrees. I will…
Read MoreSunday 9/22/19 A New Week
Hi Webbers & Friends, Here we are at Sunday Getting ready to dive back in to the work week. This weekend consisted of breakfast with a good friend. He is trying to lose 30 pounds. He is inspiring me to lose some weight to. Considering I am now pushing 250 something needs to change. Saturday…
Read MoreSaturday 9/14/19 Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Speaking of solid. I even had the opportunity to Beta Test Tom Clancy’s new game due out on my favorite day of the year. Now I did hit some glitches. Now some of the people beta testing blast compared to Arma 3 and other shooter games. Personally for a console game I enjoy it. Please check out the clip below and thanks to Ubisoft for getting me in there.
Read MoreSunday 4/28/2019 Looking Ahead
Hi Webbers, After a rainy weekend. We are very productive here. Getting back on track bringing you the information you need. I have been re configuring and working with websites to find the right fit. I think we have arrived at the optimal product now we just have to shift the content over and work…
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